ANALESA BERG, MSW, MATS, is a Transformational Artist, Mentor and
Community Connector.
In a world where we may feel fragmented and overwhelmed,
I help people slow down and reach a place of inner peace so they can be resilient and thrive.
In the first week of my Master of Transpersonal Psychology degree, I danced for 11 minutes in silence. I felt engulfed in a fiery, safe light. I was expansive! I thought… there is more to me than “me”!
I realized how, for decades, I had shut down the very things that made me most happy - my singing, painting and creative expression.
Using the arts to heal, I learned to trust my inner guidance. My perceptions of what it means to be alive expanded and changed the course of my life.
Before that experience, I had lived in Tokyo for five years and ran a successful cross-cultural consulting business in the New York Metro Region. Helping corporate executives and their families communicate beyond cultural differences was my main goal. I loved it.
I also created an international women’s club that still, 27 years later, fosters deep friendships among women from over twenty countries.
When I was ready, I sold my company to enroll in that masters program. Years of helping people thrive during international moves was exciting, but I was ready for a next level of growth that could help me and people I serve.
Since childhood I was driven by the desire to help people be the best they could be. I knew something was very wrong in my family. I knew people could be happier, and I wanted to help.
As we learn to incorporate the healing arts in our lives we are better able to manage our energy, trust ourselves, and stay in balance when we are thrown off course.
After my divorce I stood by the ocean North of Boston and asked, “What’s next?”. I literally heard a deep voice in my ear say, “You’ll go to the Hebrew texts and paint.”
“No way!”, was my initial response… but eventually I listened (I mean, how can you ignore that kind of thing?).
I put my paints and Hebrew texts around me and spent thirty days in silence, alone in my home, overlooking the ocean. I got quiet every morning and allowed myself to “receive” 23 paintings I call The Alphabet of Vibration.
The healing mandalas I painted incorporate ancient symbols from many spiritual traditions. When I teach with them, people often feel the palpable energy that radiates from the vibrant images. They feel inspired to create their own symbols or use my card deck to awaken their unique guidance.
For me, art is a "way of knowing". It helps me make sense of who I am, what I am struggling with, and to tap into my essence. It’s a practice of building muscles to enter the unknown without expectation as I don't know what will show up on the page. By trusting the process, I allow support and reflection from within my innermost being to guide me to next steps.
The experience of deepening self awareness through the creative process is a gift I cherish and love to share. It’s not about being a professional artist, though it is always a wonderful bonus when people enjoy and purchase my art.
Life can be a roller coaster and especially overwhelming at times as we face inevitable challenges.
In addition to my years of helping people move internationally, leading groups of conscious business circles, writing and performing a one-woman show, and creating my own transformational art, I’ve faced my share of personal challenges. (This includes more than 15 moves to different homes across our country on what seems to have been a "heroine's journey" from which I have arrived back "home").
While it's been a wild ride at times, I am grateful for the resilience and optimism I've been able to cultivate along the way.
(See my full resume here).
Today I am very happy to share my artwork and create engaging experiences for groups of people who wish to experience more inner peace and connection with themselves and others.
I am passionate about hosting sacred, non-judgmental spaces where people can meet, engage in beautiful, high-touch experiences and meaningful conversations that help us, together, be the best humans we can be.
If you are a man or woman interested in exploring new, positive ways of being and connecting, I would love to meet you. Thanks for being here.
Drop me a note! I look forward to getting to know you.