ANALESA BERG, MSW, MATS, is a Transformational Artist, Guide, and
Community Connector
I am passionate about bringing people together to celebrate life and remember the inner technology we all have to live with aliveness from the truth of who they are
I am a life-long learner about human potential and expressing one’s unique self without fear of being judged.
To discover these ways of being for myself I earned multiple degrees in psychology, social work, and the healing arts.
I spent many years internationally working with high potential leaders and helping us all communicate beyond differences and by deeply listening to our own intuitive and inner wisdom.
Some highlights of my journey:
THE ALPHABET OF VIBRATION: After my divorce, I stood by the ocean and asked, "What's next?" I heard in my ear, "You'll go to the Hebrew texts and paint!"
At first I said, "NO WAY! I don't write Hebrew!"
But eventually, as I had practiced that deep inner listening, I decided to follow that voice (how could you not?)
I spent 30 days in silence surrounded by my paints and Hebrew texts. I didn't know what would happen. This resulted in my receiving The Alphabet of Vibration - 23 Hebrew Letter Mandalas for Peace. I even wrote and performed a one-woman show about this transformational experience.
These interspiritual symbols sent me on a powerful path of learning the mystical teachings of my Jewish ancestors with a very cool rabbi who helped me bridge sacred teachings with science, the power of our bodies to purify and heal polarity in ourselves and our world.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES: I am grateful for the numerous professional trainings and international teaching opportunities I’ve been part of with experts in the fields of human potential, cross-cultural communication, leadership development, and expressive arts. (to see my full resume, click here)
CREATING COMMUNITY: I’ve gathered people together since high school days, but the community I am most proud of is group I founded of international women in New Jersey / New York that has been supporting each other for over 27 years and continues to thrive, with over 120 members from 20+ countries. The International Friends Club/IFC
EXPRESSIVE ARTS: I use painting, writing, movement and song to help make sense of my world and trust my inner guidance.
I love sharing this and other creative experiences with curious people who are willing to slow down and build muscles of facing the unknown to discover their true gifts that may be waiting to be revealed.
I speak, write, paint and gather amazing people around these themes that guide my life:
I just returned "home" to New Jersey after what feels like a 20 year Hero's Journey! In the new year I will be offering fun ways to connect. For now, I am happy to connect with those of you I have known and will get to know as we move into these extraordinary times. I welcome being in touch.
Drop me a note! I look forward to getting to know you.