The joy of using the arts to celebrate life and create an avenue to inner peace is not questioned in the indigenous world.
Yet, in our modern world, intuition, creativity and harmony give way to logic, speed, and relying on technology outside of ourselves. Many are understandably afraid to quiet their minds and risk delving into unknown territory.
Joining with open-minded people in a non-judgmental, supportive space to express yourself and embody your creative life force through healing arts - journaling, drawing, movement, sound and heart-centered conversations - builds muscles of resilience, aliveness and trusting oneself. See upcoming events here.
Analesa's artwork is "Love Made Visible" and carries special healing messages to all who experience it. Prints and originals are available for you to enjoy through links in the header.
“Analesa Berg walks her talk. She is a transformational specialist who helps people deal more effectively with the rapid pace of change and transition to become the kind of person that is needed in this evolving world.”
— Jack Canfield, co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
“Analesa’s Hebrew Alphabet Mandalas gift us with a creative and sacred journey. The vibrant images beckon us to travel to higher worlds and engage in holy conversation with the Divine.”
— Rabbi Debra Smith, Spiritual leader, Congregation Or Ha Lev, NJ
“Analesa Berg is an amazing woman, very accomplished, very effective, and very passionate about contributing to this time of global transition by creating synergy between evolutionary ideas, people and organizations.”
— Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money and co-founder Pachamama Alliance